Welcome to our Incoming-Services and offers!

Beside touristic interest in Germany we developed another niche for German stays during the pandemic.

Since mid of 2019 we also have been concentrating on business stays in serviced apartments all over Germany as a niche.

Business travellers want to stay safely and feel like home with their own apartment and all facilities they prefer.

These apartments are bookable for only a few nights to long-termed stay up to one year.

We always focus on finding the most suitable apartment to the client’s requirements, be it close vicinity of public transport system, certain quarters of the destination city, consistently having in mind the given budget.

All this can be successfully arranged because of our large supplier database even in the smallest German countryside.

Since 2004 we have been offering incoming services to FITs and groups in Germany and Central Europe.

Our core competences are:
• handling of very short-termed inquiries and bookings
• “mission impossible projects”
• small and privately owned accommodations.

Lufthansa City Center colleagues from all over the world appreciate our quick response and highly efficient processes.

Try us! You'll be excited!

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You are looking for the right destination for your customers? Use our map
to explore Germany and our lovely  offers we prepared for you!

Please note that all prices are on demand! Have fun!

Our Services

Serviced apartments

We arrange short and long-termed stays, all over Germany and from low up to luxury budgets. Our destination experts serve and respond out of a large database within 24 hours.



We organize accommodation from low budget to highest luxury standard. Especially in Germany we do have a lot of castles and palaces to experience a romantic and outstanding stay.



We arrange transfers for individuals up to large groups in all car categories and distances all over Germany and cross borders.



We find the most suitable guides for your tours for a numerous kind of interest and motif, be it a city walk or a group round trip through Germany. Ask for the needed language – we’ll support.


Trade fairs

60 percent of the largest world trade fairs are taking place in Germany. We care for all services – accommodation, transfers, restaurants etc. - around your stay and trade fair visit.



Large festivals as Oktoberfest, Passion games, “Wagner Festival” need special attention and arrangements. We assist you to enjoy the event you like most.



The culinary range in Germany is very wide and a lot of regions do have their own cuisine like the Bavarian, Swabian or Northern specialties.

You find traditional food to experimental molecular cuisine. We arrange private and group restaurant visits.


City trips

Beside the capital Berlin Germany has got a lot of cities and regions worth to be seen, i.e. Hamburg and Munich. The industrial region of the Ruhr impresses with its history of industrialization.

After the fall of the Wall and the end of the Cold War the Eastern part of Germany became more and more interesting because of their alternating history. The most famous German classical writers Schiller and Goethe were born here and influenced this region.


Shore excursions

Germany has got shores to the Baltic Sea and the North Sea as well. Hamburg, Kiel and Rostock-Warnemuende are famous and highly frequented harbours for cruise ships.


River cruise

Germany can be travelled by river cruises on the Rhine, Moselle, Danube, Elbe as well as the Neckar. It’s always a very special experience to get to know a country from the waterfront.


Round trips

Be it the Romantic Road from Fuessen to Wuerzburg, the German Fairy-tale Road from Hanau to Bremen, German car route from Munich to Wolfsburg or industrial routes – we will care for lifetime memories.


Educational trips

Within the frame of international educational trips we take over the German part for international schools and students’ programs.


Cultural trips

Depending on the clients’ wish we compose and arrange cultural trips of various motifs: history, arts, architecture, food, wine and beer.



With the exception of desserts Germany offers all kind of landscapes and surroundings: coasts, rivers, lakes, medium sized mountains up to the highest peaks of the Alps and heathlands.



Due to the natural advantages nearly all kinds of outdoor sports can be exercised. And if you look for an extraordinary activity you can go for ziplining in the Black Forest or kite surfing on Sylt island.

Indoor sports facilities of high standard are located all over Germany, bookable for individuals as well as for groups.


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Reisebüro Wüst GmbH, Abteilung Gruppen/Incoming
Rheinstr. 64-66
56235 Ransbach-Baumbach
lh icon route Anfahrt planen
Mo 9:00 - 18:00
Di 9:00 - 18:00
Mi 9:00 - 18:00
Do 9:00 - 18:00
Fr 9:00 - 18:00

Unser Team spricht verschiedene Sprachen

Maria Panagiotarou
Maria Panagiotarou
Operation Sales 
Mona Wüst
Mona Wüst
Head of Sales/ Owner